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Here you find the exchange rates we use to display prices in your preferred currency. Please note that AED is the legally binding currency and all other currencies only are displayed for convenience.

Currency Rate
  EUR to AED 4.015378
  USD* to AED 3.673050
  GBP to AED 4.643774
  CHF to AED 4.191855
  SEK to AED 0.341982
  AUD to AED 2.397527
  CAD to AED 2.746685
  THB to AED 0.106081
  SGD to AED 2.735644
  TRY to AED 0.136219
  ZAR to AED 0.197122
  RON to AED 0.812994
  PLN to AED 0.900349
  PHP to AED 0.066103
  NZD to AED 2.232626
  NOK to AED 0.356084
  MYR to AED 0.806382
  MXN to AED 0.213250
  KRW to AED 0.002822
  JPY to AED 0.025700
  ISK to AED 0.027750
  INR to AED 0.044371
  ILS to AED 0.994152
  IDR to AED 0.000242
  HUF to AED 0.010273
  HKD to AED 0.470565
  DKK to AED 0.538854
  CZK to AED 0.167071
  CNY to AED 0.512185
  BRL to AED 0.757676
  BGN to AED 2.053062

* The AED is fixed to the AED. This exchange rate does not fluctuate.

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